Hide meals you'll never order
Just-Eat vegetarian food
I got bored with searching through Grilled Chicken Wings
and Lamb Shish Kebab
and so on when ordering from Just-Eat.co.uk, so I came up with this script which removes all food containing known meat ingredients: Just-Eat: Go green. 1 This bookmarklet is designed for the Just-Eat menu pages (updated for 2015 design). Open your favourite takeaway’s menu and then execute the script:
- Install the bookmarklet 1
- Open Indian Greedy Cow’s menu
- Click the bookmarklet, wait a little and observe:
- how the whole Healthy Food Dishes category disappears
(I would’ve thought they have some (V) food there…) - that only the Vegetable options remain in the Traditional Curries category
- how the whole Healthy Food Dishes category disappears
The removed dishes are logged to the Console in the browser’s Developer Tools.
$.expr[':']['non-veggie'] = function(elem, i, match) {
var text = (elem.textContent || elem.innerText || $(elem).text() || "");
return new RegExp(match[3], 'i').test(text) && /* prevent removing "vegetarian lamb" */
!new RegExp('vegetarian[^,;.:*/\\(\\[\\{\\}\\]\\)\\\\]+' + match[3], 'i').test(text);
/* polyfill logging methods */
console.group = console.group || console.log;
console.groupCollapsed = console.groupCollapsed || console.log;
console.groupEnd = console.groupEnd || console.log;
console.debug = console.debug || console.log;
function removeLog(type, group, item) {
group = group? group.text().trim() + (item && item.length? " > " : "") : "";
item = item ? item.text().trim() : "";
console.debug("Removing " + type + ": " + group + item);
function removeEmptyTitles() {
.each(function() { removeLog("empty synonym list", $(this).parents('.menu-category').find('.category-header'), $('.itemName', this)); })
.each(function() {
var href = $('a[href$="#' + $('>a', this).attr('id') + '"]'); /* category on the left */
removeLog("empty category", href);
function removeItem(text) {
var nonVeggieSections = $('.menu-category').not(':has(.category-header-link:non-veggie("vegetarian"))');
var nonVeggieItems = '.item-name:non-veggie("' + text + '"), .item-description:non-veggie("' + text + '")';
.find('ul.menu-category-products > li.addItemButton:has(' + nonVeggieItems + ')')
.each(function() { removeLog("item", $('.item-name', this), $('.item-description', this)); })
var nonVeggieItems = '.itemName:non-veggie("' + text + '"), .item-description:non-veggie("' + text + '")';
.find('ul.menu-category-products > li.productSynonymListContainer:has(' + nonVeggieItems + ')')
.each(function() { removeLog("synonym list", $('.itemName', this), $('.item-description', this)); })
var nonVeggieItems = '.synonymName:non-veggie("' + text + '")';
.find('ul.item-synonyms > li.addItemButton:has(' + nonVeggieItems + ')')
.each(function() { removeLog("synonym list item", $(this).parents('.productSynonymListContainer').find('.itemName'), $('.synonymName', this)); })
var nonVeg = [
/*poultry*/ "wings", "chicken", "duck",
/*cattle*/ "meat", "lamb", "pork", "beef", "goat", "oxtail", "cow", "mutton",
/*products*/ "steak", "ham", "bacon", "rib", "ribs", "salami", "pepperoni", "meatball", "meatballs", "kebab",
/*fish*/ "fish", "saltfish", "tuna", "cod", "salmon", "brass", "seabass",
/*seafood*/ "prawn", "prawns", "squid", "crab", "shrimp", "shrimps", "oyster"
for(var idx = 0; idx < nonVeg.length; ++idx) {
console.group("Removing " + nonVeg[idx]);
removeItem('\\b' + nonVeg[idx] + '\\b');
$('#menu-navigation .current-menu-item > a').text("Menu, filtered: (V)")
This is a best effort implementation which only works in English menus and I take no responsibility if the script breaks the page or leaves some non-vegetarian dishes on the menu. Please report any omissions and other issues with the script.
A bookmarklet is a script that stays on the Bookmarks Bar waiting to be clicked to execute.
To use a bookmarklet:- Drag and drop the link to the Bookmarks Bar.
- Navigate to the page it’s designed to run on.
- Click it to execute.
Bookmarklets tend to rot over time if the owner changes the website, please report to me if it’s broken. ↩ ↩2