
requires minSdk API 30

Android SQLite FTS4 tokenize=unicode61 remove_diacritics=2

It was too good to be true to begin with!

Android developer wants to create a quick full text search for an international audience with case-insensitivity.


See the Summary section below.

The High of Feasibility

Android developer searches a bit and finds SQLite, FTS4 and unicode61 as potential solution.

The FTS4 documentation reads as follows:

FTS4 is an enhancement to FTS3.
FTS3 has been available since SQLite version 3.5.0 (2007-09-04)
The enhancements for FTS4 were added with SQLite version 3.7.4 (2010-12-07).
The “unicode61” tokenizer is available beginning with SQLite version 3.7.13 (2012-06-11).

Quick check of Android SQLite versions reveals the following table:

Android APISQLite VersionComment
API 13.4 
API 33.5FTS3 from this point onwards.
API 83.6 
API 113.7FTS4 was added somewhere here.
API 213.8FTS4 and unicode61 definitely from this point onwards.
API 243.9 
API 263.18 
API 273.19 
API 283.22 
API 303.28 
API 313.32 

Let’s say that the app under development has an “old” minSdk = 21 which covers 99.34% of the market in 20231. This is great, this means we can use FTS4 for the app, no restrictions. Quick further check of StackOverflow: Version of SQLite used in Android? reveals the exact version we could expect from API 21 is 3.8.6. Further check of the release notes shows:

The unicode61 tokenizer is now included in FTS4 by default.

Such, great, news! Feasibility confirmed, let continue reading the docs and find the option to remove diacritics (e.g. accents, which makes the search a little bit more dynamic in ways I won’t go into detail here.):

The remove_diacritics option may be set to “0”, “1” or “2”. The default value is “1”. […]
This is technically a bug […]
If this option is set to “2”, then diacritics are correctly removed from all Latin characters.

OK, so the default behavior is bugged in some cases2, let’s just set the option to 2 to ensure the best behavior for an international audience.

Testing a Proof of Concept

So, now equipped with a very simple SQL statement based on all the above documentation:

	tokenize=unicode61 'remove_diacritics=2',

let’s try this out. I was using the latest emulator API 34, and it was working fine. Then I tried API 21 and got greeted with

android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: unknown tokenizer (code 1)
	at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnection.nativeExecuteForChangedRowCount(Native Method)
	at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnection.executeForChangedRowCount(
	at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteSession.executeForChangedRowCount(
	at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteStatement.executeUpdateDelete(
	at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.executeSql(
	at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.execSQL(

Uhm, OK, this shouldn’t happen according to the version checks I did earlier, right? unicode61 was available much earlier, and is now included by default too. What’s going on?


Failing to make it work, I turned to our big G friend to find some answers.

My first try to search for the error message SQLiteException: unknown tokenizer (code 1) pretty much failed, as I only found false positives which were a similar error showing me how “icu” and “unicode61” tokenizers were not found. These seemed like proper errors where the tokenizer was simply not available.

On to more direct search based on what I knew fts4 unicode61 remove_diacritics also gave me no usable results, so I went back to try an exact search "SQLiteException: unknown tokenizer (code 1)" which yielded a Bingo! result at Unknown tokenizer - TOKENIZER_UNICODE61 which was exactly the same problem. I was glad to find some info, but there were no answers, just guessing.

I also tried android "unicode61" "remove_diacritics" which lead me to find Uwe’s issue where he apparently also had a similar issue at first, but in the end he just went with remove_diacritics=0.

I wasn’t satisfied with finding only questions, without knowing why it’s not possible. Luckily the above references gave me some ideas, so I started researching deeper.


At this point I knew I needed more info: what is failing exactly and where? So I went on to create a small standalone project and see what’s possible.

I tested variations of FTS3/FTS4/FTS5 with tokenize=simple|porter|icu|unicode61 and all possible remove_diacritics=* values and executed this on all relevant API levels (21-34).

The results (see project for test and CI code):

  • FTS5 is not supported on Android at all.
  • Almost everything in FTS3 and FTS4 works on all versions, except the tokenize=unicode61 'remove_diacritics=2' combination I wanted, which throws up on API 21-29:
    android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: unknown tokenizer (code 1 SQLITE_ERROR)

    and works from 30 onwards.

I would like to call out a few things here:

  1. tokenize=unicode61 'remove_diacritics=0' and tokenize=unicode61 'remove_diacritics=1' works, but tokenize=unicode61 'remove_diacritics=2' doesn’t.
  2. The same problem occurs with FTS3 and FTS4.
  3. API level 30 and onwards works, so there must be something with that version. 3

In Depth Research

I wanted to answer the question: why does tokenize=unicode61 'remove_diacritics=2' only work on API 30 and above, if FTS4 and unicode61 already works from API 21. 4

Let’s start with what we already know from Android’s SQLite package:

Android APISQLite VersionStatus
API 213.8fails
API 283.22fails
API 293.22fails
API 303.28works

From here I’ve reviewed all the SQLite release notes between 3.22 and 3.28 looking for FTS/tokenizer/unicode61 keywords. There were 3 release notes that contained these, but the big reveal was in 3.27.0:

Added the remove_diacritics=2 option to FTS3 and FTS5.

So this confirms why it started to work in API 30.

To double-check this finding, I looked at the FTS3 documentation before and after that release, and found that the sentence about remove_diacritics=2 was added after 7th February 2019 which is exactly the release date of SQLite 3.27.0.

Summary 5

Android API 30 (including SQLite 3.28) is the first one that supports remove_diacritics=2, which was added in SQLite 3.27.0.

DateWhat happened?
2007-09-04SQLite 3.5.0 was released with FTS3 (no mention in release notes, but in documentation).
2010-12-07SQLite 3.7.4 was released with FTS4.
2012-06-11SQLite 3.7.13 was released with the unicode61 tokenizer.
2014-08-15SQLite 3.8.6 was released where the unicode61 tokenizer is included in FTS4 by default.
2014-11Android 5 / L / API 21 was released including SQLite 3.8.6.
2018-01-22SQLite 3.22.0 was released.
2018-08Android 9 / P / API 28 was released including SQLite 3.22. took a snapshot before the release.
2019-02-07SQLite 3.27.0 was released including support for remove_diacritics=2 took a snapshot of the FTS3 documentation including remove_diacritics=2 mention.
2019-04-16SQLite 3.28.0 was released.
2020-09Android 11 / R / API 30 was released including SQLite 3.28.
2023-…Android developers are reading the latest version of the FTS documentation.


  1. When it comes to Android, we need to be more aware of versioning and history.
    After 10 years I’m still not used to this, as showcased by this above story. SQLite team is wonderful at keeping a version history, is a godsend when it comes to time travel.
  2. Read the error message, and write good error messages!
    Think about how much difference it had made if the error was:
    SQLiteException: unknown tokenizer option value 2 for remove_diacritics
  3. Test assumptions if possible.
    Luckily I tested on my minSdk version before releasing this time and found the problem early.
  1. You can substitute many versions here for a few coming years. According to which sources data from GlobalStats

  2. Foreshadowing: At this point something was fishy to me: using the first SQLite version where FTS4 was available had “historical reasons” already. But I dismissed feeling on account of the high of the great feasibility news. 

  3. I set out to find and document the exact problem here, the end result is what you’re reading right now. 

  4. In hindsight the answer is very simple, but finding it wasn’t that trivial. 

  5. Research based on Android Release dates, Android embedded SQLite versions, SQLite FTS3 and FTS4 documentation and its historical snapshots on, SQLite release dates and release notes

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