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Just-Eat vegetarian food

Tired of the meat-driven world? Order your kind of food with a click.

I got bored with searching through Grilled Chicken Wings and Lamb Shish Kebab and so on when ordering from, so I came up with this script which removes all food containing known meat ingredients: Just-Eat: Go green. 1 This bookmarklet is designed for the Just-Eat menu pages (updated for 2015 design). Open your favourite takeaway’s menu and then execute the script:

  1. Install the bookmarklet 1
  2. Open Indian Greedy Cow’s menu
  3. Click the bookmarklet, wait a little and observe:
    • how the whole Healthy Food Dishes category disappears
      (I would’ve thought they have some (V) food there…)
    • that only the Vegetable options remain in the Traditional Curries category

The removed dishes are logged to the Console in the browser’s Developer Tools.

$.expr[':']['non-veggie'] = function(elem, i, match) {
	var text = (elem.textContent || elem.innerText || $(elem).text() || "");
	return new RegExp(match[3], 'i').test(text) && /* prevent removing "vegetarian lamb" */
		  !new RegExp('vegetarian[^,;.:*/\\(\\[\\{\\}\\]\\)\\\\]+' + match[3], 'i').test(text);

/* polyfill logging methods */ = || console.log;
console.groupCollapsed = console.groupCollapsed || console.log;
console.groupEnd = console.groupEnd || console.log;
console.debug = console.debug || console.log;
function removeLog(type, group, item) {
	group = group? group.text().trim() + (item && item.length? " > " : "") : "";
	item  = item ? item.text().trim() : "";
	console.debug("Removing " + type + ": " + group + item);

function removeEmptyTitles() {
		.each(function() { removeLog("empty synonym list", $(this).parents('.menu-category').find('.category-header'), $('.itemName', this)); })
		.each(function() {
			var href = $('a[href$="#' + $('>a', this).attr('id') + '"]'); /* category on the left */
			removeLog("empty category", href);

function removeItem(text) {
	var nonVeggieSections = $('.menu-category').not(':has(.category-header-link:non-veggie("vegetarian"))');
	var nonVeggieItems = '.item-name:non-veggie("' + text + '"), .item-description:non-veggie("' + text + '")';
		.find(' > li.addItemButton:has(' + nonVeggieItems + ')')
		.each(function() { removeLog("item", $('.item-name', this), $('.item-description', this)); })
	var nonVeggieItems = '.itemName:non-veggie("' + text + '"), .item-description:non-veggie("' + text + '")';
		.find(' > li.productSynonymListContainer:has(' + nonVeggieItems + ')')
		.each(function() { removeLog("synonym list", $('.itemName', this), $('.item-description', this)); })
	var nonVeggieItems = '.synonymName:non-veggie("' + text + '")';
		.find('ul.item-synonyms > li.addItemButton:has(' + nonVeggieItems + ')')
		.each(function() { removeLog("synonym list item", $(this).parents('.productSynonymListContainer').find('.itemName'), $('.synonymName', this)); })

var nonVeg = [
	/*poultry*/ "wings", "chicken", "duck",
	/*cattle*/ "meat", "lamb", "pork", "beef", "goat", "oxtail", "cow", "mutton",
	/*products*/ "steak", "ham", "bacon", "rib", "ribs", "salami", "pepperoni", "meatball", "meatballs", "kebab", 
	/*fish*/ "fish", "saltfish", "tuna", "cod", "salmon", "brass", "seabass",
	/*seafood*/ "prawn", "prawns", "squid", "crab", "shrimp", "shrimps", "oyster"
for(var idx = 0; idx < nonVeg.length; ++idx) {"Removing " + nonVeg[idx]);
	removeItem('\\b' + nonVeg[idx] + '\\b');
$('#menu-navigation .current-menu-item > a').text("Menu, filtered: (V)")

This is a best effort implementation which only works in English menus and I take no responsibility if the script breaks the page or leaves some non-vegetarian dishes on the menu. Please report any omissions and other issues with the script.

  1. A bookmarklet is a script that stays on the Bookmarks Bar waiting to be clicked to execute.
    To use a bookmarklet:

    1. Drag and drop the link to the Bookmarks Bar.
    2. Navigate to the page it’s designed to run on.
    3. Click it to execute.

    Bookmarklets tend to rot over time if the owner changes the website, please report to me if it’s broken.  2

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